Sunday, September 30
I walked into Gucci today, and bought a wallet i
preferred the most among all the other wallets they have.
Without feeling much pinch, i walked out of Gucci feeling pretty happy and satisfied with my buy.
And then i walked into LV, and saw a wallet i
LOVE. Although the price is like 1/2 times steeper than the Gucci one, i really dont mind spending almost 1k on it, because i simply love it.
Now im vexed, because i cant possibly buy TWO brand new wallets at the same time since i'll only be using one.
So, here i am, troubled over trivial stuffs, causing me to have insomnia cos i cant stop thinking of the LV one.
Therefore, im letting go of my Gucci wallet at a cheaper price.
flap french with charm, tab snap closure, ten card slots, two bill compartments, and coin pocket. 12 x 9 cm.I bought the one in
Ebony, and below is the best picture i can find which doesnt really do it justice. Looks much better in real life.

Im giving this up at
$550. Retail price at $610. Its brand new and still in the box. With receipt and warranty. I think the price is pretty reasonable already since its brand new and im willing to make a little lose on it because im so desperate to get the LV one.
This is no hoax. Im serious.
Please drop me an email - if you're interested. For friends who know me personally, you can drop me an sms too.
Please please make my dream come true by buying my Gucci wallet so i'll be able to get the LV one.
sealed-with-a-kiss < 6:10:00 am
Saturday, September 22
Stop pretending that you know me so fucking well you know whats on my mind and how i feel deep down my heart.
Stop creating baseless rumours and pass it around like its the truth and making me feel like an idiot or a clown like im the joke of the day.
Everyone has emotions and ive always been the emotional one whom can never control and hide my emotions well especially when im feeling crestfallen.
Stop assuming that whenever im not in a good mood its all because of him because he is not the only guy in my life.
My life consists of like a million guys whom made me felt broken hearted before.
Stop having the idea that im head over heels with him and its because of him that is making me feel moody.
These silly and childish acts may be funny initially, but its starting to piss me off because is bloody irritating.
Thanks for causing the awkwardness between us, who are purely working colleagues, making things so difficult to handle.
Thanks, but no thanks really.
So fuck it.
I've never ever said i love him, nor have feelings for him. The most i felt for him was probably just a novelty. If i were to fall in love so easily with someone, i wouldnt have been single for 3.5 years. I would have been with any guy who came along into my life. Why should i be choosing, and losing the good, hot and single guys for a guy with a girlfriend who he had dated for 6 years or so?
Its ridiculous, so stop infuriating me.
\\*Updates on Krabi trip + Delong's 21st birthday + Charlene's birthday at MoS + Chewlian's 21st birthday + Siwei's 21st birthday when i feel like it.
sealed-with-a-kiss < 4:41:00 pm
Wednesday, September 19
> Greetings from Krabi
Hello my friends,
Im blogging all the way from Krabi as Jeffrey's doing his massage in the room and i have now about another 30mins to spare.
This place is great, not fantastic, but still good nonetheless because there was no thunderstorm nor rain. The sun was so strong my shoulders are burnt.
One thing i'll never forget here is during the period where i almost died in the middle of the sea. Am not kidding, i thought i'll never be able to blog again. More on that when im back.
I love Perhentian more than Krabi, its a different concept and culture altogether. Comparing the two, i really wouldnt mind taking another 13hours train + 1hour taxi + 45mins ferry to reach Perhentian. And although the chalet i stayed in was so much different from the hotel i'm staying now, i still love Perhentian the best.
I still have another 25 mins more to go but i cant sign into MSN and im bored!!
sealed-with-a-kiss < 8:20:00 pm
Sunday, September 16
> Pre-Krabi trip
Im supposed to be very excited and looking forward to my Krabi trip tomorrow. But i woke up seeing an sms from Jeffrey, which made me felt very disappointed.
"my aunt just came back from thai today. she says krabi is flooding"
So i jumped outta bed, check the weather forecast on the internet and it says "thunderstorm + high chances of precipitation". Sian liao lor! Its not even just rain, its a thunderstorm leh! Everyday stay in the hotel room do mask liao lor.
No need to get browned anymore lor! No need to play sea sports lor! No need to go snorkelling lor! No need to do outdoor activities like rock climbing or jungle trekking lor! Everyday stay in the room and do mask, look at each other. Then i'll start cursing and swearing and screaming and Jeffrey will ask me to shuttup and probably we'll start a pillow fight and that's how im going to spend my long awaited holiady.
Now i dont even know how to pack my luggage. Should i bring more warm clothings since it will be cooolllddd due to the rain or should i bring my skimpy tops because its supposed to be a beach getaway?
Oh sigh!
Should i even bother bringing my tanning lotion over? Or should i bring more jackets??
Okay shuttup! Very pessimistic already. I shall just go pack my luggage now.
Hear more of my whinings and Krabi story on my next entry, when im back..
sealed-with-a-kiss < 3:48:00 pm
Saturday, September 15
The other day when the earthquake hit Indonesia twice, i was in the midst of my daily tasks at work when my colleagues and i felt the building shaking. I thought i was just giddy due to hunger pangs cos its almost dinner time and i havent been feeling too well lately. Until the people at CS start to panick and evacuate the building in groups, taking the lift down for their dinner at the same time, i continued with my work because its not the first time Singapore felt this little tremor.
Then, the PA system sounded and made everyone in the building evacuate. I started cursing under my breath. I gotta walk down 24 flights of stairs AGAIN man. &!@$*##*@!# Its the second time i did that and my legs ached for a good few days can. Bloody hell...
So i quickly called Jeffrey, who was clueless about the earthquake since he was at the little island called Pulau Tekong. Told him about the tsunami warning (which luckily was later withdrawn) and thinking if it would affect our little getaway, and at the same time complain about walking down the stairs in HEELS.
He said "i just finished walking 24km leh!"
I couldnt help but burst out laughing. HAHAHHA.
My thighs are aching till now man. I have a hard time sitting down and standing up. It better be well by Monday, so Jeffrey and i can enjoy our vacation at Krabi. WEEEeeeeeeee!!
So last night, i got to leave work early and headed home for a long awaited mahjong session. Havent really played "proper" mahjong for quite a while, won a little to cover up my holiday expenses. heh!
Its Saturday, and the weather's great. But im so lazy i'll most probably stay home till supper time and call my supper gang.

Goodbye Leonard, i wanna see your botak head soon and have fun in Tekong!!

Bye now!
sealed-with-a-kiss < 4:00:00 pm
Wednesday, September 12
> unfilial daughter of the year part 2
Okay, so i've forgotten my dad's 58th birthday on the 10th of this month. Very bad, very very bad.
First, i forgot my mum's birthday last month, then i forgot my dad's. So if i remember your birthday, you better be honoured.
Sigh, i hate my life. So much to say, but too jaded to carry on.
Why, why why, why wasnt it me?
sealed-with-a-kiss < 2:47:00 am
Sunday, September 9
> Sunny Sunday
I met the guys for dinner and Evan Almighty last night at about 10pm after resting the entire day. Had supper after that and got home at 6am in the morning with a bad runny nose.
Had a really bad dream last night, and woke up this noon feeling crestfallen and sick. Gave the usual tanning session a missed because i'll probably faint before getting browned.
Then when i was wallowing in self-pity, something unexpected happened, and made me cheer up just a little bit. My day wasnt that bad afterall i felt, but i still wanna run away.
And i havent been feeling in my best of moods recently, till i saw somebody in town last night. OMG, i almost freaked out. We exchanged a couple of words, feeling oh-so-stranger-like, but definately so much better than before. The first thing my friend did was to tell me "dont think too much ah, whats gone is gone". And the first thing i did was to call another friend and exclaimed "GUESS WHO I SAW!?!?!"
I have to admit i do miss him, and i hope that things would rewind and we'll be like before, hanging out every weekend when he books out and all. But then again, it would most probably not happen again.
Oh well...
Whenever i looked out of the window, i feel so angry because its such a waste not to bask under the sun today. I hope the weather stays this sunny throughout my entire week at Krabi with Jeffery and i'll return home as brown as how i used to when i came back from Perhentian a few months back.

I miss this place...
sealed-with-a-kiss < 5:18:00 pm
Saturday, September 8
"I avoid, to stop myself from sinking. I didnt know i made it so obvious.
I feel upset, because im jealous. Jealous of someone not related. Cant imagine how i'll feel and react when i see someone else."Had drinks at Palm Room last night with my colleagues. Kinda love the place with the live band. But i was feeling down ah, so i didnt really enjoyed myself as much as before.
So getting too tired...
sealed-with-a-kiss < 3:28:00 pm
Friday, September 7
I havent been feeling very happy these week, its probably due to
the girls thing.
And i didnt really enjoy a lot this week, because just one Friday off the normal routine, changed everything.
It feels so near yet so far, so distant, so cold. a stranger.
Dont like it.
Then again, why do i feel bothered about this? It spells trouble, very big trouble.
Picturing myself sinking into the quicksand. I need a helping hand.
sealed-with-a-kiss < 2:49:00 am
Sunday, September 2
> Im going to have difficulties recognising myself soon..

My colleague, KC and I at MoS last Friday when we're both high and reaching the peak.
And so, ive given my hair a new colour. I wanted it to be in the shade of dark blue close to black, but it turned out black with tint of brownish on the top, and streaks of light faded blue that looks like grey at the bottom where my hair was previously bleached and highlighted.
It looks terribly ugly! And i cannot really accept seeing myself in black hair because my hair had been brownish or reddish for years. I think i look really weird, the colour dont seem to suit me at all. =(

I know my face is damn round. Ive put on tons of weight since i started working. To think initially i thought i'll lose weight due to stress. Seems like the total opposite! I look like a ball now, my face, my arms, my legs, even my tummy is getting big and round. OMG. I promise im gg on a strict diet from today onwards. I am not going to over-eat, not gonna munch on snacks and titbits, not gonna eat heavy meals for dinner.
I wanna be slim!!
Right, talking about food. Yesterday Bape, Kevin and I had dinner at the BBQ Chicken Restaurant at Cine's basement.
We had the family set which consists of:

8 pieces charbroiled chicken that tastes not too bad on the first piece but the more we ate, the harder we find it to eat.

And rice, which tastes like chicken rice on the first try, but not so much after that.

plus wedges, which tastes like normal wedges. ahah
+ 4 glasses of soft drinks and the total cost of about 30 bucks. The food is not too bad lah but not much variety because lots of choices are "coming soon".
We also had this:

Hot hot drum. 3pieces for 9 bucks! This is really ex and its really spicy! But the drumlets tastes exactly the same as KFC, not kidding man!
Met Xiaohei + gf and Kenny after that where we ate more food at Suki Sushi before our movie. We finally caught SECRET after so long. And im so glad we caught the movie, despite waiting 3+ hours, despite sitting at the first 2 row. Its so touching, and the storyline was totally unexpected. I love it.
It makes me think a lot of my relationship life and i got so damn emo when Bape drove me home lah! Just the other day when i met Eunice, we were talking about who in our group is gonna get married first and all. Then i realised, im definately one of the last. OMG! How sad, but true.
I dont want all my girlfriends to get married before me, or i'll be left with no jiemeis at my wedding already! =((

Bape and I

Hello Bape.

Hello me.
I hate my hair! AND my round face.
I need to get ready to bring my mum out to watch 881. Im a very filial daughter ok!

Kev's and Bape's phone. We call it the brother-phone. Cos its the same model and equally
chui. HAHHA

See how terrible these NS guys' phones are.
sealed-with-a-kiss < 2:40:00 pm